FAQs About Shoulder and Elbow Injuries

Answers you can trust from our New York orthopedic surgeons

Shoulder and elbow injuries can be complicated. So can finding accurate information about these types of injures. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Our experienced, New York orthopedic surgeons at Island Musculoskeletal Care (IMC Bone Doc) can help. That’s because we have extensive experience dealing with a wide range of common shoulder and elbow injuries.

How do we know so much about such injuries? It’s simple. Hands-on experience. Our doctors have more than 100 years of combined medical experience treating people with serious shoulder or elbow injuries. We know what symptoms to look for. We know what diagnostic tests to run. We are familiar with the most effective and most advanced medical techniques.

Learn more about your shoulder or elbow injury and how our board-certified, fellowship-trained surgeons can help you. Contact us and make an appointment. Many of our doctors have immediate appointments available, including many same day appointments. If possible, we will make every effort to provide all your treatment at the same, convenient location. Make your appointment online or call us right now.

What is your question about shoulder or elbow injuries?

Don’t see your specific question listed below? Don’t worry. Every person’s injury is different. That’s why it’s always important to have an experienced orthopedic surgeon examine you and diagnose exactly what’s wrong. That way, you can make informed decisions about your elbow or shoulder injury.

What are common shoulder and elbow injuries?

There are many different types of injuries involving the elbow and shoulder. That’s why our website has an entire section devoted to some of the most common shoulder and elbow injuries, including:

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What are common causes of shoulder and elbow injuries?

Serious injuries involving shoulders or elbows often happen for two, main reasons. One of the major reasons why these injuries happen often involves a single, sudden injury. This could be a fall or blow to the shoulder or elbow. Another common reason why these injuries happen often involves wear and tear over time. This is especially common among older adults who perform jobs which require people to perform similar tasks, like typing, cutting hair or operating machinery. Whatever the cause of your elbow or shoulder injury, it’s important to have your injury examined, diagnosed and treated.

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What are common symptoms of a shoulder or elbow injury?

Shoulder or elbow pain is often the most common symptom that something’s wrong and that you have a serious elbow or shoulder injury. Each injury is different, but in general, common warning signs include:

  • Reduced flexibility
  • Difficulty moving the injured area
  • Sharp pain while trying to lift objects with the injured arm
  • Swelling of the injured area
  • Tenderness of the injured area
  • Popping noise or sensation

The bottom line – if something feels wrong, have your shoulder or elbow examined right away. The longer you wait, the more serious your untreated shoulder or elbow injury could become.

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How do I know if I injured my shoulder or elbow?

You know your body best. If something feels wrong, you may have a serious elbow or shoulder injury. The only way you will know for sure is to have a doctor examine you. That’s why we want to meet with you as soon as possible. Many of our experienced, New York orthopedic surgeons have immediate availability. Simply schedule a doctor’s appointment at one of our seven, New York offices in NYC and Long Island.

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What does a shoulder or elbow injury feel like?

There is no single symptom when it comes to shoulder or elbow injuries. Some injuries “feel” painful. In other cases, the overwhelming sensation may be a dull ache or difficulty moving your shoulder or elbow. Again, if something feels wrong, trust your instincts. Have one of our doctors examine you and determine exactly what’s wrong. That way, we can diagnose exactly what’s wrong and explain all the options available to you.

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How do I know if I tore a ligament in my shoulder?

There are several ways to tell if you have a rotator cuff tear or a similar ligament tear in your shoulder. Common symptoms of a torn shoulder ligament include:

  • Pain when trying to lift an object
  • Pain when lying on the injured shoulder
  • Difficulty rotating arm
  • Cracking sensation when moving shoulder
  • Tenderness around the shoulder area

Torn ligaments are serious injuries. Without proper treatment, your injured shoulder may not heal properly. That’s why it’s important to have one of our experienced, New York orthopedic shoulder surgeons examine you and find out whether you actually tore the ligament in your shoulder.

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How do I know if I tore a ligament in my elbow?

Torn ligament injuries can be very painful, especially when they involve your elbow. Common warning signs that something may be wrong with your elbow and that you may have torn a ligament include:

  • Stiff elbow
  • Pain in your elbow when trying to lift an object
  • Swelling or bruising around the elbow
  • Difficulty bending elbow
  • Redness around elbow

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What should I do if I injured my shoulder or elbow?

If you believe you injured your elbow or shoulder and have serious pain in either part of your body, make an appointment with one of our experienced, New York orthopedic surgeons. Many of our doctors have immediate appointments available at our seven offices in greater New York City and Long Island. We can run diagnostic tests to determine exactly what’s wrong, then explain all the options available to you based on your symptoms and test results.

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Should I see a doctor if I injured my shoulder or elbow?

Yes. If you have a serious shoulder injury or if you hurt your elbow somehow, it’s always best to have a medical professional examine you. What might seem like a minor injury could be something serious. In many cases, the longer you wait to seek medical help, the more serious your injury may become over time. That’s why it’s critical that you have someone who knows how to diagnose what’s wrong with you examine you right away.

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How can a doctor help me if I hurt my elbow or shoulder?

There are so many medical treatments available if you have a serious elbow or shoulder injury. Sometimes, your injured shoulder or elbow can be treated with pain medication, something our doctors have extensive experience with at IMC Bone Doc. Other times, a doctor may be able to treat you with non-surgical medical procedures, including physical therapy or immobilizing your injured shoulder or elbow. In other cases, surgery may be the best and most effective way to repair your injured elbow or shoulder.

That’s why it’s critical that you make an appointment with one of our New York, orthopedic surgeons right away. We can examine you and run all the necessary tests. Often, this includes taking an MRI scan of your injured area. That’s why we have an MRI machine in each one of our seven, New York offices. That way, we can find out what’s wrong right away and provide you with the necessary treatment as soon as possible.

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