FAQs About Hip Injuries

Answers you can trust from experienced New York orthopedic hip surgeons

You probably have a lot of questions about your hip injury. Knowing where to find accurate information can often be a challenge. That’s why our experienced, New York orthopedic hip surgeons at Island Musculoskeletal Care (IMC Bone Doc) created this page devoted to some of the most frequently asked questions about hip injuries.

How do we know the answers to these questions? The reason is simple. Experience. Our doctors have more than 100 years of combined medical experience dealing with serious musculoskeletal injuries. That’s why our board-certified, fellowship-trained surgeons are familiar with many of the most serious and common hip injuries.

Learn more about hip injuries and what our doctors can do for you. Contact us and schedule an appointment at one of our seven, conveniently located offices in greater New York City and Long Island. One of our New York orthopedic hip surgeons can examine your hip injury and explain all the options available to you.

Best of all, we will do our best to make sure you receive all your medical care in the same medical office. Contact us online or call us. We have immediate appointments available, often the same day.

What is your hip injury question?

Don’t see your specific question about your hip injury? Don’t worry. It’s always best to talk with a doctor rather than try to diagnose yourself. Make an appointment with IMC Bone Doc. Immediate appointments often available today.

What are common hip injuries?

Hip injuries can cover a wide range. That’s why we have an entire section of our website devoted to common hip injuries. In general, some of the most common hip injuries include:

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What are common causes of hip injuries?

Hip injuries often happen for two main reasons. Either someone sustains an injury due to a single incident, such as falling and fracturing their hip. Or the person’s hip becomes injured slowly over time due to wear and tear or a degenerative hip disease, like arthritis. Either way, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you or a loved one sustains a serious hip injury.

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How do I know if I hurt my hip?

The only way to know for sure if you hurt your hip is to have an experienced hip surgeon examine you and diagnose exactly what’s wrong. In general, you should seek medical care if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Sudden, sharp pain in your hip
  • Sore, tender muscles around your hip
  • Pain in your thigh muscles
  • Difficulty standing up
  • Difficulty walking up or down stairs

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How do I know if I fractured my hip?

If you broke your hip or fractured the bone, an X-ray is often the best way to confirm your hip fracture. Even before you have an X-ray taken of your hip, there will likely be warning signs that something is wrong. Symptoms of a hip fracture often include:

  • Severe hip pain
  • Difficulty walking
  • Pain in the hip when putting weight on one leg
  • Swelling around the hip area
  • Stiffness in the hip area

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How do I know if my hip injury requires surgery?

The only way to know for sure if your hip injury should be treated using surgical or non-surgical methods is to have an experienced orthopedic hip surgeon examine you. Our doctors use the most advanced diagnostic techniques and state-of-the-art medical equipment. Based on your symptoms, we may recommend an X-ray, MRI or CAT scan to determine exactly what’s wrong. Every hip injury is different, and every patient is different. That’s why our doctors will create a treatment program specifically designed for you based on your unique symptoms and injuries.

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What does hip pain mean?

Trust your body. If your hip hurts – and the pain is severe and does not go away – odds are there’s something wrong. Hip pain can be an indication of a wide range of hip injuries, from fractures to sprains or arthritis. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced doctor familiar with the symptoms and warning signs of different types of hip injuries examine you.

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Should I go to a doctor if my hip hurts?

Yes. If your hip hurts, your hip pain could be a symptom of a serious hip injury or illness. You shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. Allow a doctor to examine you to determine if your hip pain involves a serious illness or injury. Even if your hip pain is “just” pain, that’s more than enough reason to seek relief and talk to a doctor about what’s bothering your hip.

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How much does medical care often cost for a hip injury?

Medical costs can vary widely from one patient to another. Whether or not the person needs hip surgery can make a dramatic difference in the overall cost of their medical care. The same is true if the patient has to stay overnight in a hospital or undergo extensive physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the hip. All of these procedures add up. Fortunately, many medical procedures are often covered by medical insurance. And because our medical practice is in network, most major insurance companies cover the costs associated with such medical care.

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Who will pay for my medical care for my hip injury?

Our medical practice is in network and accepts most forms of insurance. As a result, your medical insurance may pay for all the costs associated with your medical care in many cases. If you hurt your hip at work, your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance should cover the costs associated with your medical expenses. Every hip injury is different. That’s why it’s always wise to check beforehand with your insurance provider, your employer and our medical clinic staff. We have years of experience dealing with insurance companies and others responsible for paying for medical care.

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Does my medical insurance cover the costs associated with my hip injury?

In many cases, yes. Your medical insurance should cover the costs associated with your hip injury. In addition, our medical practice is in network and accepted by most major insurance providers.

But every hip injury is different. If you injured your hip in a car accident caused by another driver, that driver’s insurance should pay for your medical expenses. If you hurt your hip on the job, your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance should cover your medical expenses. There may also be other extenuating circumstances. Our experienced staff at IMC Bone Doc can explore all the avenues available for paying for your medical expenses. We can help.

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How can a hip surgeon help me with my hip injury?

Serious hip injuries demand serious attention. We should know. Our board-certified, New York orthopedic hip surgeons have extensive experience performing hip operations on people with serious injuries or hip pain due to degenerative diseases like arthritis.

We can examine you and diagnose exactly what’s wrong. That way, you can make an informed decision about what to do next. Information is power, and the more you know about your hip injury, the better. That’s why we want to meet with you as soon as possible. Many of our New York orthopedic hip surgeons have immediate appointments available. Contact us right now.

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